In the competition arena, Tony has been involved with market studies and the assessment of proposed mergers. In financial engagements, Tony has applied his accounting expertise to assess the effect of alleged misstatements in a firm’s financial accounts on share prices, calculate economic damages in commercial contract disputes, and estimate components within the cost of debt in support of regulatory consultations.
In the regulatory sphere, Tony is an expert in the applying economic concepts to regulated infrastructure businesses and in assisting them to navigate complex regulatory requirements. His expertise has been applied to industry sectors including electricity, water, transport and port infrastructure on matters that concern capital investment evaluations, regulatory proposals and compliance, pricing and strategic asset management decisions.
Prominent in Tony’s work is the development of robust, transparent and user-friendly models that inform and support economic decisions. In the energy space, his models have been adopted by several Australian electricity network businesses for undertaking ‘best practice’ investment evaluations in their regulatory investment tests. Tony’s modelling expertise has also proven valuable for clients who want to gain assurance around their own regulatory models.
Tony’s in depth understanding of the National Electricity Rules has assisted regulators to understand how the regulatory framework can accommodate energy storage technologies.