Sarah specialises in matters relating to securities class actions, where she has advised both applicants and defendants on wide-ranging questions of liability and damages. She has been involved in class actions across numerous sectors, including commercial services, financial services, forestry, insurance, labour hire and recruitment, mining, pharmaceuticals, real estate and retail.
Sarah has strong economics and mathematics expertise, enabling her to apply sophisticated quantitative and statistical techniques to economic problems. In relation to security class actions, she has frequently applied the empirical technique known as an event study in order to assess the materiality of information to the price of a security, the likely price effect of information and the extent of damages arising through trading in shares at inflated prices.
One of Sarah’s highlights from her nine years of work in the security class action space includes presenting the results of a model estimating the number of damaged shares to the CFO of a large listed Australian company. This model was used to estimate the number of shares that may have been affected by the alleged coduct on each day of the relevant period. Sarah’s analysis also highlighted the difficulties of aligning share registry data to ASX volume data.
In addition to her security class action experience, Sarah has applied her expertise to insider trading allegations, merger clearance processes, restraint of trade provisions and regulatory proceedings.